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Difference between posting via Instagram's limited API and SMMplanner's advanced API
Difference between posting via Instagram's limited API and SMMplanner's advanced API

Connection without login and password, password, official posting

Alex avatar
Автор: Alex
Обновлено более 2 лет/г. назад

Extended API, this is posting through our API SMMplanner, which is carried out using emulation of a mobile device, this is the posting option that we have already implemented with the publication of Instagram stories, REELS, carousels and all other functions.

The limited API, this is the Instagram API, is only created for posting to business accounts (not personal and not authors). Unfortunately, the capabilities of this API are very limited in functions:

- Within 24 hours, using the official Instagram API, no more than 25 publications can be placed on your account. When the limit is reached, you can continue to post through the mobile app.

- Galleries are not supported (post contains only 1 photo or 1 video)

- Stories are not supported

- REELS are not supported

- Proxy work is not supported

- It is possible to add the first comment and delete it

- It is possible to add a user mark (20 pieces)

- It is possible to add a place

- It is possible to add text (2200 characters)

- It is possible to add a hashtag (30 pieces)

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