To confirm your mailing address specified by you when registering for the service, you need to go to your mailbox and find there a letter from our service.
If there is no letter, you need to click on the button "Send confirmation", which is in the notification at the service, again go to your mail and wait for the letter.
If the e-mail doesn't come after the repeated request, check the Spam folder and the correctness of the mail. Unfortunately, not all mail services miss our emails. In this matter, on our part, we can not fix anything - we see successfully sent and not rejected mails. The fastest way to solve this problem will be to register mail on domains Yandex or Google (with the end of mail on This is the most trouble-free hosting, and the worst thing that happens is getting into spam.
If you never get a message, write us a support chat in the bottom right corner (blue circle), a message with content: Please confirm my office email *****@****.ru/com .
There's no mail confirmation letter coming in

Автор: Alex
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